Blog #2 - The Importance of Graphic Design for Marketing

Graphic design is just art on the computer, right? Wrong. Graphic design is so much more, it’s powerful, it’s how you communicate to other people graphically. Good design makes you look good. Whether you’re a freelancer like me or a sports team, business or athlete. Graphic design allows you to make great impressions on people who are looking at you. You have to always capitalize on that first impression as you never know who is viewing your work.

The human attention span today is that of 8 seconds. In just those 8 seconds with a design that speaks to someone and communicates well with them, they’re sold. It’s all about catching the viewers eye. It’s that effective communication of the viewer’s eye that is going to help you and your company in the long run by keeping consistent customers coming back but as well as gaining new ones. If you have poorly designed work people are going to skip by it. It’s a waste of advertising. Why is this important in marketing? Well if I didn’t explain it well enough let me explain it further. 

Design sets you apart from everyone else. It’s very important that whatever design aspect you use can set you apart from your composition. Great design stands out in people’s minds, it speaks to them and can influence the viewer’s decision. Graphic designs can give your company the professionalism it needs. I know for me personally, I’m far more interested in companies that show me an infographic with information that is designed and laid out well over just a screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. It is important as a company to present yourself in the best possible way. Coming up with a certain style for your company is important. People will recognise and remember you for your specific style of how you share your images, videos and graphics. Great graphic design gives you this much-needed consistency. All content for your brand should be similar to build trust which makes your brand far more recognisable than others. Personally, one of my favourite Instagram’s to follow is F1. Not because I’m a huge car racing fan but because of how they establish and represent their content. They use red, white, and black styles throughout their works unless it’s a certain individual team post. It’s unique, it stands out, it’s well done. Creativity kills your competition. 

Overall, graphic design may just be art on the computer, it may just be an image or something with a little bit of text. It’s art. And if art isn’t good then people are not going to enjoy it. This impacts you, it impacts your business, it impacts your profits for your company. Good graphic design is vital for how your company can grow financially. How your market your company is important. Catching the eye of the viewer graphically is how you create a loyal customer base.